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SERAP Online > User Guide > Helpful hints for researchers

Helpful hints for researchers 

Sharing access within a team

Completing your application

Timely submission and processing

Responding to modifications


Sharing access within a team

As the principal researcher, you will first need to create your own researcher account; part of this process includes setting a researcher password. Once you have a researcher account, you can create a SERAP application. At the very first stage of creating a SERAP, you will also be assigned a SERAP number. You will also be asked to set a SERAP password.

The SERAP number and SERAP password can be shared with anybody on your team to allow them to log on and assist with the completion and submission of the application.

However, it is best to keep your researcher password private. Keeping your researcher password private gives you complete control over all of your SERAP applications, allowing you to change access to these at any time by changing the SERAP passwords, and your profile.

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Completing your application


This section refers to the amount of time required for others to participate or help with your research. Depending on the type of research you are conducting, you will need to complete sections on administrative time support costs and participant time costs. When completing these sections, think in terms of activities. For each activity, consider whether it constitutes a core research activity (such as data collection, interviews or survey) or is a support activity that is not the direct focus of your research but nonetheless required in order to complete your work (such as distributing/collecting consent forms).

Administrative support costs

Administrative support costs refer to the time required by school and departmental staff to help with the setup or administration of your research. Some examples include finding and sending data, distributing information to participants, contacting participants, or explaining research activities. The table below provides a guide to providing information for each activity.



The name of the activity 



The people who will be performing the activity 

  Number of schools or data owners


How many schools will be involved in this activity? Enter a number

Number of events


How many times will this activity take place in a school? Enter a number

Hours per school or data owners


How long will each activity take? Enter in format HH:MM (for a 30 minute activity, enter 0:30)

Total hours


This section will be calculated automatically based on the information provided above

Additional information


Any additional details


Participant costs

Participant support costs refer to the activities that the participants are required to perform. Some examples include taking surveys, doing interviews, participating in focus groups and participating in classroom observations. The table below provides a guide to providing information for each activity.



The name of the activity 



The people who will be performing the activity 



Describe the time of day, school term, or setting of the implementation



Describe the year group(s) that you intend to include in your research

Participation strategy


Information such as the proportion of the class participating, whether students are withdrawn from regular activities, out-of-school scheduling and other timing considerations

Number of schools


How many schools will be involved in this activity? Enter a number

Number of events


How many times will this activity take place in a school? Enter a number

Hours per school


How long will each activity take? Enter in format HH:MM (for a 30 minute activity, enter 0:30)

Total hours


This section will be calculated automatically based on the information provided above

Additional information


Any additional details

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Timely submission and processing

In general, applications are finalised within 4 - 6 weeks of submission. Assessors are asked to complete their assessments within three weeks.

Submission requirements

ALL required sections must be completed. In some cases, a text box is provided and requires your comment to be able to proceed with, or submit your application. If you are not able to answer the question, explain why in the text box.

To submit your application you will need to provide the following:

If your application does not include all of the required documentation, this may result in your being unable to submit the application or delays to your application after submission. Assessors are required to assess the complete set of research materials. Should any materials be missing, this will result in delays as we coordinate a request with the researcher.

Working With Children Checks

If you are interacting with/observing children for the purposes of your research, you are required to provide proof of your NSW Working With Children Check, full name and date of birth. Further information can be found at The Department verifies each researchers information before granting SERAP approval. Should you be missing this information for yourself or any other researchers on your team, you may still receive approval but those researchers who are not listed on the approval letter will not have permission to interact with children and not be included in the approval letter. Changes to Researcher Working With Children Checks can be amended after approval by logging in to SERAP online. Please contact the research team for an updated approval letter in these circumstances. 

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Responding to modifications

During the course of the assessment of your application, you may be asked to provide further information or address issues raised by assessors. You will receive a notification via email to ask you to provide a response in SERAP online.

SERAP online moderators will view your proposed modifications and where applicable, forward them to the assessor(s) for their assessment and recommendation. You may receive a further email requesting additional clarification.

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